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2018 National Conference Poster Archive

Addressing Challenges and Improving Capacities of a City-Wide Asylum Clinic

Linda Chamberlin, Kim Firn, Emma Gordon, Leigh Finnegan, and Alisa Gutman MD/PhD

Philadelphia Human Rights Clinic


Assessing the Impact of the Los Angeles Human Rights Initiative Forensic Medical Evaluation Training on Provider Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Asylum-Seekers and Forensic Evaluations 

​​Mehar Maju*​1, Jiyoung Lee*​2, Fangning Gu​2, Sophia Taleghani​2, Simon Levinson​2, Regina Husman​2, Emily Chu​2, Eleanor Emery MD​3, Adam Richards MD, PhD, MPH​4

1 UCLA Fielding School of Public Health ​2 UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine 3 UCLA Health 4 UCLA General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research  

*These authors contributed equally to this work. 


Assessing the Relationship between Chronic Disease and Depression among Female Syrian Refugees and Jordanians

Madison Sharp​1, Mamoun Ahram​2, Refqi Mahmoud​3, Fangyong Li​4, Kaveh Khoshnood​5

1 Yale School of Medicine  2 Jordan University Hospital, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry  3 Jordanian Ministry of Health, Division of Cardiovascular Disease  4 Yale Center for Analytical Sciences  5 Yale School of Public Health


Asylum Evaluation Training Video for Clinician Evaluators

Chiu L​, Labar AS​, Chen A​, Fraser E​, Reed-Weston A​, Devlin M, Fink MJ​

Columbia University Human Rights Initiative Asylum Clinic


Barrier Analysis on Family Planning in the northern Central Region of Togo, West Africa, and Implementation of Islamic Reproductive Health Seminars

Yoonhee Ryder*

University of Michigan Medical School

*Support and/or funding for this project came from Peace Corps Togo, World Connect, the Togolese NGO ADIFF, and the Islamic School in Tchamba. 


“Can you help us out here?” A pilot study of challenges immigration attorneys encounter when pursuing medical forensic evaluations for asylum-seeking clients

Mark Jeffrey Phillips, Sarah Herrera, Stephanie Navarro, Nadya Nee, Connie Paik, Ivy Song, Lyndon Yu, Cynthia Willard, MD, MPH

Keck School of Medicine of USC


Challenges in Founding and Developing Student-Run Asylum Clinics                          

Fangning Gu*1, Emily Chu*1, Andrew Milewski PhD2, Simon Levinson1, Nicole Aguirre2, Sophia Taleghani1, Mehar Maju3, Regina Husman1, Jiyoung Lee1, Madison Sharp4, Ryan Lion5, Eleanor Emery MD1, Adam Richards MD1

1 UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine  2 Weill Cornell Medicine  3 UCLA Fielding School of Public Health  4 Yale School of Medicine  5 Georgetown University School of Medicine

*These authors contributed equally to this work  


Education, Menstrual Hygiene, and Female Genital Mutilation: Gender Disparity among Maasai Youth in Rural Kenya

Kristen Zozulin1, BS; Josephine L. Ndirias2; David R. Hill, MD1

1 Frank H Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

2 Mukogodo Girls Empowerment Program, Nanyuki, Laikipia County, Kenya


Evaluating the Impact of Student-Run Asylum Clinics

Madison Sharp​1, Nicole Aguirre​2, Ryan Lion​3, Andrew Milewski2

​​1 Yale School of Medicine  2 Weill Cornell Medicine  3 Georgetown University School of Medicine


Factors Influencing Continued Utilization of Antenatal Visits in Oyam District, Uganda

Lisa Kim1, Judith Kia2, Lawrence Odwong2, Shirley Kyomukama2, Bob Achura PhD2, Nils Hennig MD PhD1

1 Icahn School of Medicine  2 Global Health Network (Uganda), Oyam, Uganda


How Global Injustices Lead to Toxic Waste Dumping in Developing Countries

Tiguiran Kane

Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

Integrating Medical Students Into Terra Firma: A Medical Legal Partnership Focused on the Complex Needs of Newly Arrived Unaccompanied Immigrant Children

DeWilde KE, Weinstock RE, Vorawandthanachai T, Espinoza D, Potler NV, Rao A, Halim A, Archer-Dyer H, Kopa J, Shapiro A

Albert Einstein College of Medicine


The Brown Human Rights Asylum Clinic: Mission, Evolution and Initiatives 

Melanie Brown, Lindsay Dreizler, Saisanjana Kalagara, Nina Kvaratskhelia, Vivian Chan Li, Kaelo Moahi, Grace Sun, Nicole Thomasian, Lanbo Yang

 The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

 All authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order 


The Impact Of Sibling Rivalry On Gender Disparities in Health: Evidence From Kwara State, Nigeria

Alana Slavin1, MSc; Dr. M. Lindeboom, PhD2

1 University of Michigan Medical School

2 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


The Los Angeles Human Rights Initiative Asylum Clinic: Founding, Operations, and Future.

Simon Levinson*1, Sophia Taleghani*1, Jiyoung Lee1, Fangning Gu1, Regina Husman1, Mehar Maju2, Emily Chu1, Eleanor Emery MD1, Adam Richards MD1

1 UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine  2 UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

*These authors contributed equally to this work


The Truths They Tell: Patterns and Evidence of Abuse Among Asylum Seekers

Michael Miller MSc, Megan D'Andrea BS, Eileen Wang BA, Sharon Barazani BS, Alex Sarosi BA, Ethan Wood BA, Kim Baranowski PhD, Elizabeth Singer MD MPH

Mount Sinai Human Rights Program


Training Students and Clinicians to Perform Medical and Psychological Asylum Evaluations: The Weill Cornell Center for Human Rights Approach and Lessons Learned

Tara Pilato​, Nicola Pereira​, Molly Chodakewitz​, Jason Lambden​

Weill Cornell Medicine


Treatment adherence in tuberculosis patients under Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) in the Kutupalong Rohingya refugee camp, Bangladesh

Jason T. Tsichlis, MS​; Md. Ruhul Abid, MD, PhD​

The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University


UConn Immigration Rights Initiative, the development of a student run Asylum clinic and an avenue for refugee advocacy 

Lisa O’Donovan, MS 4​; Anastasia Barros, MS 3; Megan Grammatico​; Susan Levine, MD MPH

University of Connecticut School of Medicine 


Understanding Client Demographics and Case Outcomes for the Brown Human Rights Asylum Clinic, a Rhode Island-based Chapter of Physicians for Human Rights 

Nicole Thomasian, Saisanjana Kalagara, Grace Sun, Melanie Brown, Lindsay Dreizler, Nina Kvaratskhelia, Vivian Chan Li, Kaelo Moahi, Lanbo Yang

The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Author Contributions: Nicole Thomasian: gathered outcomes data, data analysis and project formulation; Saisanjana Kalagara: data analysis; Grace Sun: gathered outcomes data and data entry; Melanie Brown and Lindsay Dreizler: data entry; *All others are listed alphabetically. 


Women Seeking Asylum: Multiple Traumas Inflicted by Multiple Perpetrators

Nicole Aguirre, Andrew Milewski, Rohini Kopparam, Joseph Shin, Deborah Ottenheimer1

Weill Cornell Medicine

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